Louise Sass




Public work for the Serafen supportive housing complex.
Bolinderplan 1, Kungsholmen. Stockholm, Sweden.

Competition by invitation from Stockholm Arts Council 2002. Project proposal approved March 2003. Inaugurated September 2004.

The decoration comprises: Two textile works: Wall frieze "Panorama" and stage curtain, "Colour Keyboard" for an assembly hall. Series of nine paintings on Japanese paper, including Black Serafen # 4 – 2, for passages and elevator hall.

Assembly hall

Losa Hall



Wall frieze. Hand-painted
Reactive dye, cotton
Five sections, total: 1,8 x 6,2 m, 2004

The "Panorama" textile is an anarchistic game with colours and sizes. It ranges from quiet to more intense colour clashes in a play on foreground and background. 101 vertical lines together form the rhythmic sequence of colours.

Colour Keyboard

Stage curtain
Hand-painted. Reactive dye on cotton
2,5 x 6,5 m, 2004

The background of the stage curtain is in slowly gliding motion intersected by vertical interludes of contrasting colour tones. The combinations for the interludes have been composed from a keyboard of eleven colour hues.


Acrylic on paper
4,5 x 11cm

Black Serafen #4-2

Acrylique on paper
55 x 49 cm. 2004

Text about the decoration comission at the "Serafens"
supportive housing complex in Stockholm

Kunstuff, Magazine, Danish crafts
and design No. 5, 2005

Read Cromatic Scales (page 2), Working portrait by Malene La Cour Rasmussen.